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Silent Messages

These were my reflections after helping a patient by studying the available signs. Perhaps a doctor’s contemplation should be like this. Just then, there was a knock on the door.
| Fatma Gunduz | Issue 161 (Sep - Oct 2024)

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Silent Messages

In This Article

  • I see medicine as a way of understanding the messages coming from creation. Each organ has its unique language, and if we know this language, we can understand what it is saying. 
  • The human body is such a wonder that years at medical school is not enough to learn all nuances of its peculiar language, so we continue our education to specialize in each organ.

The emergency room shift that evening was quite calm. We were drinking coffee and chatting in the doctors’ room. Michael, a young doctor who had started in the department only two weeks ago, had already adapted to the new environment. He was asking me questions, as I was his senior shift partner. At that moment, there was a knock on the door and the nurse said we had a patient. Michael and I followed her. The patient was lying on the bed. His face showed clear signs of suffering. I introduced Michael and myself and started talking with the patient. Michael started listening and taking notes...

Come back next month to read the full article!

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